So after my mammoth summer of 4 festivals, 2 holidays and a million other social occasions revolving around food and alcohol my summer is finally over and I've never felt so massive and ready to detox!
My skins been really breaking out recently and it's definitely due to all the rich foods I've been eating and the fact I've not been as strict with my facial routines.
Anytime I have a break out I immediately revert to a face map as I very rarely have spots there's definitely something underlying and the face map will tell me what the problem is. The skins the largest organ on the body so it's really important to look after it and listen to it when it's trying to tell you something!
Forehead : Liver and Gall bladder
Lack of sleep, eating too much fatty foods, drinking too much alcohol will lead to a spotty forehead. This reflects your digestion and you will need to help your body with less processed and fatty foods.
You may also need to stop wearing caps and hats (or make sure they are clean), avoid having a fringe and keep your forehead clear of anything that may irritate it.
Eat as much raw food as you can and drink lots of water to help your liver. Get lots of fresh air, do some brisk walking to get the circulation going and rest more.
Between the Eyebrows : Stomach and Liver
Again this could be excessive rich foods or processed foods overloading your system. You could also be lactose intolerant and finding it hard to digest heavier foods such as meat.
Raw foods, lots of water and try to cut out on diary and meat products for a week or two and see there are any improvements.
Temples and Brows : Kidneys
Too much toxin, too much stress and too little water – causing too much ‘heat’ inside your body
Drink lots of pure water and eat ‘cooling’ foods such as watermelon, cucumbers, apples to combat the excessive ‘heat’.
Nose : Heart
High cholesterol and fatty foods will block arteries and impede blood circulation.Toxins will try to ‘escape’ through the skin as the other organs become overloaded.
Drink herbal teas to reduce cholesterol. The best is Organic Green Tea as it has gone through less fermentation process and is full of anti-oxidants; or you could also try Oolong Tea 2 -3 times a day. Do 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise daily and eat low fat fresh produce and lean protein.
Upper Cheeks : Lungs
Pollution, smoking, asthma, respiratory ailments will all lead to breakouts and broken capillaries in this area. This is also the area where rosacea and acne could also flare up.
Fresh air and exercises that increase oxygen intake will help as well as avoiding fatty and spicy foods. Again avoid all the culprits such as caffeine, alcohol, processed foods and try to avoid too much diary products and meat. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the way to go.
Lower Cheeks : Stomach and Liver
Indigestion, overload of toxins and too much rich foods. You will find that this and the mouth area are areas that flare up after a festive season such as Christmas where there are more fatty and sugary foods around.
Go easy on sugary and fatty foods. Tempting as they are, eat a small portion or a small bite instead of eating the whole thing. Drink mint, aniseed or camomille teas after a big meal to aid your digestion. This is the time where a one to three day skin detox juice fast will do wonders to clear your skin.
Mouth and Chin : Stomach
You are what you eat and it will show around the mouth. If you eat fast foods and no greens, then you will experience eruptions around the mouth and lower cheek area. Check also for teeth or gum problems and whether a change of toothpaste has had any adverse effects.
Cut out the processed foods, anything fried, spicy or oily and go fresh and green. Add more fiber to your diet and drink lots of water.
Jawline : Colon and Ovaries
Hormonal imbalances due to monthly periods for women, stress and other causes could link your acne and hormones together. Some medication will also cause a reaction in this area. Late nights and a change of climate, living habits (eg: travel), and also anxiety and stress can cause breakouts in this area.
Yoga, plenty of rest, deep breathing, meditation will all help to balance your mind and your body. Eat simply and organic where possible concentrating on leafy greens and fresh produce. Fish oil Omega 3-6-9 and evening primrose oil will also help.
Ears : Kidney
Too much salty foods, not enough water, too much caffeine will cause the ear area to flare up.
Cut out on salt and beware of foods that have added salt. Read all food labels carefully. Drink water regularly during the day.
Although face mapping is a good indicator of our inner health, there are other factors also that contribute to acne skin problems. Personal hygiene, clothing, cleaning products, weather, foods, lifestyle all play a role in our skin’s overall health and appearance.
One of my favourite things to do when on a detox is visit a spa as it's an alternative to going out eating/drinking and it makes you feel so relaxed afterwards aswell as your skin getting the chance to sweat out all of your toxins.
The photo above is from the woodlands spa (official website photo) that's one of my favourite spas to visit as obviously it isn't much of a treat if you come to your own work for a relaxing spa day.
I shall be blogging about my detox once I've come up with a meal plan and booked myself into a spa :) hope you've enjoyed the face mapping! Message me any beauty questions you have too, I don't mind answering.