Friday, 26 June 2015

Return of Mils...

First of all let me apologise for the lack of posts the past couple of months, personal life has been hectic and I've needed some well needed 'me' time, I cannot count how many times I've sat down to write a post and ended up completely distracted and never completed it. 
Must say logging on today and seeing my daily page views after being inactive for so long is so refreshing and a massive kick up the bum to keep blogging. Thank you!
So considering instagram is practically my life, I think it would be easiest to update you on my life via instagram.. and let you into alllllllll my secrets!

So first of all I am now Vegan... well a part-time Vegan.
Do you realise how difficult it is to eat Vegan when you're eating out! Any veggie option is covereddddd in cheese or cream so unless you're asking them to make you something especially its pretty difficult. Must say massive thanks to San Marco for being the only restaurant I've had the balls to ask for a Vegan option and being so amazing'ly accommodating. 
But so far I've loved the journey, this book the 22-day revolution is written by Beyonce's PT as she is now a vegan herself so if it gets me looking like her....... watch this space! 
Here's an instagram post of one of the 347457494744 things I've bought since last blogging, so thought I'd share on here considering I've not worn them yet. 
In Jan/Feb time I signed up to JustFab for those amazing black thigh high lace up boots. Anyways JustFab is like most evil genius scheme going. You create an account and every month they take £35 "membership fee" out of your bank account, which is then redeemable on a pair of shoes unless you cancel it which you can only do on the phone, and with me being THE most forgetful person in the land I keep forgetting to cancel the membership and now I have a million pairs of JustFab shoes still in their box. They're so bloody clever! 

So it's now officially festival season eeeekkkkk and I've just purchased a Friday day ticket to Leeds fest to see the FABULOUS Kendrick Lamar. Literally so excited to be a day guest to a festival, recently we went to Parklike in Manchester and it felt soon good to actually look good at a festival cause you haven't woken up in a tent and done your makeup in a compact mirror. 
This summer we've done Parklike, got Kendal Calling weekend camping in 5 weeks, V Festival weekend camping in 12 weeks. Leeds in 13 weeks and then Mint Festival Sunday ticket in 16 weeks.
(Festival Blog to follow!)

So you might recognise this as an old photo but we're doing the colour run again this year WOO! It's only 9days away and my running fitness is completely none existent. I booked this thinking it would get me back into running. It hasn't. But it's THE most fun run ever. If you haven't seen a colour run before for every 1k you run there's a different paint area where they just cover you in paint as you run through. There's 6 of us on our team this year so LOTS of photos will be to follow. 

So this is a secret I haven't revelled on social networks as I want to remain a natural beauty but considering you've gone through the PAIN of reading everything above on my life...
I've had hair bonds put in and AMAZING! 
I'm actually really happy with the length of my natural hair, it's been a long process and going 'ombre' has helped the health so so much but the ends are SO thin due to years and years of being blonde and bleaching. I was let into this amazing hair secret, instead of having a full head of extensions which is usually two packs of hair. I've just had three quarters of a pack put in and cut to the same length as my natural hair to thick it out and WHAT a difference it makes.   
They're tiny little beads and they're completely discrete, lightweight and so easy to wash. Even with my hair pulled up into a tight ponytail you'd never know they was there! 
This is probably the best photo I have of them although this is on day two of Parklife where I'm hanging and I'd chucked a drink all over myself the day before haha. But those curls where put in on the Friday and this photo is taken on the Sunday. Need I say more.. best thing ever! 

So it's pretty pointless making a Parklike post as a) I have zero outfit selfies, which is a blessing in disguise as I'm now free to re-wear them. b) I remember zero of Parklife as being on a vegan detox for two weeks then go drinking on an empty stomach doesn't go hand in hand. All you need to know is that we had a FABULOUSSSSSS time and have been on a downer waiting for the next festival ever since. 

These ladies are my entire life, since the previous post when I spoke about our reunion we've been inseparable like we've never been apart, our whats app group is NONE stop all day everyday of drama, gossip and laughter. We've booked festivals together, two holidays together, they've looked after me when I can't remember my own name, we've been round to each others houses at daft times cause one of us is upset and with in the past 6 months been through so much together we're stronger than ever! I can't put into words how much I love these three ladies.
Kirstie is my life coach always on hand for a wine over food and gives me the best advice.
Tasha is my Mum/Wild Partner always looking after me/planning our next adventure.   
Emma is my daily motivator and ego feeder, one negative thought and Emma's shouting at me reminding me of how amazing I am haha.
Everyone needs friend like these girls! 

The girl who said she's never getting acrylics again has had 4 separate sets of acrylics done since I last blogged, each set getting longer and longer! I think I'm addicted again, they're just so beautiful all the time. These where done by Emma at work (instagram-@purehealthybeauty) with a GELeration overlay of 'soho in love' this colour is PERFECT! 

(yeah holiday body is doing REAL well.. only 13days woo!)