Wednesday, 20 August 2014

I'm going to VEGAS!

If you follow me on Facebook you're 100% gonna be absolutely sick to death of hearing this but...
 IM GOING TO VEGAS - 5 WEEKS TODAY !!! (just incase you'd forgot)

I'm going with the amazing Christine Lever (who's just started blogging too. and stopping in a Fountain View Room at the Bellagio hotel, am I just the luckiest girl in the world? 

So in Mils world that only means one thing OPERATION VEGAS BOD! #vegasbod

Alongside the Female Fitness Bible I blogged about on my last post, I've completely shaken up my diet and being strict on my plan.
2L+ of water a day
Only drinking water/green tea
1 banana pre-workout
2 shakes a day breakfast and afternoon 
3 high protein, low carb meals
no other sugar (not even fruit)

And I'll tell you it's an absolute pain eating so often when you're a grazer like me who doesn't eat proper meals all day, just snacks her way through the day. I'm getting so full, I don't want to eat anymore but I know I have to, to speed up my metabolism and it's working wonders.

I lost 7lb in my first week and 3.5lb in my second week

Because I'm doing so well after I've finished the programme I'm going to be soon publishing and realising it officially with my branding as I designed it all myself (clever me) alongside an exercise programme of my own too as I'm nearly qualified :)

If you have any questions on the programme that I'm doing don't hesitate to drop me an email or message on Facebook -

Now just need to loose 2-3lb a week over the next 5weeks to get at goal weight!

Wish me luck!
Mils xxx

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Female Fitness Bible.

I'm literally so excited to blog about this, finally something has given me a kick up the backside and motivated me to get to the gym! 

Recently I've felt a little 'bleugh' I've been putting on weight and totally out of routine. Making up excuses and just letting myself slowly go whilst ignoring it by avoiding anything I know won't fit and not looking at last summers photos when I was a gym addict!

Anyways at the festival, I was wearing a denim dress that fit perfectly last year but this year felt like I'd been packed in like a sausage roll. Knocked my confidence all day cause I had it in my head everyone would be looking at me like 'look at that fatty' cause I just felt so bloated and uncomfortable.

A couple days later when I got home (and recovered) I just held my breath and weighed myself. 
A bloody stone, I've put on just over a stone since January :( 

That was it no more messing about, I had to get myself back into a good gym routine. It's ok dipping in and out of the gym, once a week to make myself feel better. Or clean eating Monday-Friday and then eating a weeks worth of calories in secret at weekend cause 'its weekend' and 'I've had a tough week' but these stupid excuses aren't getting me back in my denim dress are they?

Everyone around me was telling me I looked fine, a few people saying I look healthier now I was to skinny last summer. So I carried on battling with myself what to do for a few days until Saturday night I went to put on my black skinny jeans and picked up the wrong pair. I picked up a pair of size 8 Armani's  I've not worn in months and months and was nearly sick when they wouldn't button up by a good 1-2 inches! That was it, enough was enough of hiding from the truth and making up excuses. 

Sunday I was so clean, no cheats, no accidental biscuits, no 'one square of chocolate won't hurt' all the little things that add up in a day. I stayed strong and felt so much better that I even went to the gym all on my own after work and did 20min HIIT sprints then a really hard legs session (that I'm still suffering from now) That was it, something switched in my brain and I was back in the zone 100%! 

Monday - Day one of the Female Fitness Bible - Arms!

I set my alarm early and got my ass to the gym BEFORE work (which I don't think I've ever done if I'm not on a late) and smashed those arms all on my own again.. My fear of weight training on my own blown out of the water. 

Pre-Workout - Banana
Breakfast/Post-workout - JuicePlus vanilla complete with frozen berries.
Mid-Morning - Carrots and Hummus.
Lunch - JuicePlus chocolate complete with peanut butter.
Afternoon - Carrots and Hummus.
Dinner - Peri Peri Chicken, Wholegrain Rice and Steamed Veg. 

Tuesday - Day Two of The Female Fitness Bible - Chest!

My diets been appalling today, in the sense that I've no where near eaten enough food as I've been out all day (excuses again) so I've written myself out a 14 day meal plan. 5 high protein, low carb meals a day and if successful I shall type up onto a spreadsheet and share with you lovelies.
So again no more excuses, big food shop done and every things meal prepped ready for tomorrow. I'm 100% serious now! 

I have been lucky today though in the fact that when I went to the gym and was warming up on the treadmill with a few HIIT sprints (my faves) one of the PT's came over for a chat. I told him about The Female Fitness Bible we've launched and that I'm training chest today but is there any way I can do bench press without going in the downstairs gym (that place scares me its just a bulked up mans territory, that no amateur female should enter, you know the kinda place I mean) so he kindly offered to hold my hand (figure of speech) and train me in the dreaded 'mens' gym. 

Breakfast - Chocolate complete shake
Mid morning - Starbucks tub of fruit
Lunch - Bag of fruit/nuts uhhhh so bad but I was out and about trying to be healthy
Afternoon - Banana and a Chocolate complete shake post gym
Dinner - Cod, Prawns, Wholegrain rice and Steamed Veg.

Tomorrows the start of my very own '14day high protein, low carb' meal plan alongside The Female Fitness Bible to try shed some of this weight!

If you're interested in The Female Fitness Bible or any of the meal plans just drop me an email - or add me on Facebook 'Heather Louise Milner' where I can send you over all the workout sheets/plans and add you to our FFB support group.

Wish me luck on the new meal plan :-p
Mils xxx

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Kendal Calling

Only taken me a week to recover and write my blog post!

So we'll start with Michelle's Montage :) 

What a weekend, despite the mud and rain we had an absolute blast! 
Couldn't recommend 'boutique camping' anymore, from the moment we arrived on the car park a less than 5min walk away from the TENT. To the staff grabbing our bags for us and loaning us a wheel barrow for all Michelle's crap (full length mirror, champagne flutes, two bottles of prossecco, fairy lights.. you name it she brought it) the slightly less grim toilets than standard camping, the QUIETNESS of not having somebody pitching up next to you with their tent touching yours and the 2min walk down to the Arena instead of the long trek in the thick mud!

Pretty Boutique 'Bell Tents' 

Outfit Number 1 
Black ASOS Jersey Dress
River Island Kimono 
Primark Knee High Socks
Primark Chelsea Boot Wellies 
Topshop Head Piece
Topshop Necklace 
New Look Fringed Bag

Outfit Number 2
Glamorous Pink Cardigan
Glamorous Green Dress
Hunter Wellingtons 
Topshop Flower Headband
New Look Fringed Bag
Primark Waterproof Poncho 

Outfit Number 3
Primark Black Rain Mac
Missguided Denim Dress
Topshop Necklace
Primark High Socks
Primark Chelsea Boot Wellies 
Topshop Butterfly Transfer

How pretty are these Feathers in my hair! Three real feathers bonded in with a hair bond, apparently lasting 5-6months (we'll see!)

I know this is nothing to do with health or fitness (in fact the complete opposite) but hey'ho I'll be blogging about the launch of the new 'female fitness bible' all this week !!

Have a fantastic festival season guys!
Mils xxx